Tag Archives: riders helping riders

Turkey Shoot 2016-2017! Darts, Pool, Pistol-Crossbow Shooting at The Chop Shop Pub

poster2012Sponsored and hosted by Check Twice Signs: Check Twice – Save a Life on the 2nd Saturday of every month from November 2016 – April 2017 at The Chop Shop Pub in Seabrook, NH (920 Lafayette Road/Route 1).

NEXT TURKEY SHOOT: Saturday, January 14th, 2017

Join us at our Turkey Shoot League this winter and spring from 3pm-6pm at the Chop Shop Pub in Seabrook, New Hampshire (920 Lafayette Road/Route 1).

Read more about how to sign up, buy tickets, print a poster, and join us!



Riders Helping Riders on Thanksgiving

Essex, Middlesex, Suffolk County area riders’ families – if you can use a little bit of help with Thanksgiving meal next week, private message us on Facebook (in confidence) by this Sunday, and next Thursday, giving thanks, Check Twice Signs will be co-sponsoring the butternut squash and cider at the Chop Shop Pub’s Thanksgiving Day Dinner/Meal, for area riders to enjoy the camaraderie of Bikers Helping Bikers, with plenty of cheer and football. For more info, see the Chop Shop Pub Facebook page.


Thursday, June 4th: Services Celebrating the Life of Doug Usher

Celebration of Doug Usher’s Life Riders Requested Thursday, June 4, starting at 10:30 a.m. for an 11:00 a.m. service at Lyons Funeral Home, 28 Elm Street, Danvers Obituary for Doug Usher Facebook Event Page Please join us, with the family and friends of Doug Usher, on your bikes this Thursday morning, June 4th.  We will ‘cone-off’ an area for motorcycle parking. Doug passed earlier this month.  In 2002, a driver turned left in front of his oncoming motorcycle in Plymouth, resulting in horrific injuries.  Doctors said 10% chance of survival, likely never to walk again . . .but he fought and pretty much beat those odds, with about a 60% recovery, resulting with daily, on-going struggles.  He lived life and fought the fight.  His family, who includes local rider and long-time “Riders Helping Riders” supporter Sue Boaman Diecidue, have asked, in lieu of flowers, to donate to the Massachusetts  Motorcyclists Survivor’s Fund, in Dougie’s memory. Donations may be made in Doug’s memory using PayPal (below) or by mail with checks payable to MMSF, Inc., (MMSF, P.O. Box 446, Topsfield, MA 01983).

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Friday, September 20th – Jeff Gilbert Night of Celebration

09202013JeffGilbertJeff’s sister Tiffany and his buddy Patrick Powers, with other friends, will be hosting a ‘night in celebration’ of the life of Jeff Gilbert from Merrimac/Amesbury, taken too soon at the age of 23.

There will be a Memorial Ride, staging at the New Old Oak Pub, 74 East Main Street (Route 110), Merrimac, at 6:00 and leaving at 6:30 sharp, ending at the Chop Shop Pub, 920 Lafayette Street (Route 1) in Seabrook, begining at 7:00 p.m.  (Friends not riding on the Ride can meet at the Chop Shop Pub).  Food, raffles and live music.  Requested donation, $15 a person.  Can’t make it?  You can still donate in Jeff’s Memory here.  Funds raised in excess of expenses to be donated to www.RidersHelpingRiders.org.