Bikers Helping Bikers Turkey Shoots 2021-2022
The Chop Shop Pub, Seabrook, NH
1st Saturday monthly November 2021 – April 2022
Our 11th year! Cold weather winter FUN getting us out and getting us TOGETHER! First Saturday of every month from November 2021 thru April 2021 join us for “Bikers Helping Bikers Turkey Shoot“ at The Chop Shop Pub in Seabrook, NH.
Teams of four will be shooting darts, pool, cornhole, crossbow pistols and/or BB’s, for TOP SHOT / HOT SHOTS and “Horse’s Ass” honors, as we keep our supporters and their crews together over the winter months. RESERVE YOUR TICKETS NOW for the Turkey Shoot dates below, and we’ll see you at The Chop Shop Pub!
NEXT TURKEY SHOOT: April 2nd, 2022