Category Archives: Supporters

MREP has your Nelson’s Ride Pix with Vinnie DiMartino

08182013NelsonsRideScreenShotFromMREPThe Massachusetts Rider Education Program (MREP) has ten photo galleries from Nelson’s Ride, and tons of photos with YOU and Vinnie DiMartinoCheck out the photos on their Facebook page!

To minimize the risk and maximize the fun of motorcycling, the Registry of Motor Vehicles sponsors the Massachusetts Rider Education Program (MREP). The mission of this program is to reduce the number of motorcycle related fatalities and injuries in the Commonwealth by increasing the statewide availability of Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) approved training courses for motorcycle riders and to increase awareness and education for both riders and drivers.

Come meet Vinnie DiMartino at Nelson’s Ride on Sunday!

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(Click “PLAY” above to hear VInnie DiMartino’s 30 second PSA for Nelson’s Ride).  Original and 14-year supporter of Nelson’s Ride, the Motorcyclists Suvivor’s Fund and long-time “Check Twice” motorcycle advocate Betsy Lister of Lister Insurance Agency getting the “thumbs up’ from master Bike Builder Vinnie DiMartino, who’ll be joining us Sunday morning at Nelson’s Ride, from Cycles! 128.


This Sunday, August 18th: The 14th Annual Nelson’s Ride

This Sunday, August 18th, is the 14th Annual Nelson’s Ride event to benefit The Massachusetts Motorcyclists Survivor’s Fund. The ride will begin and end at Cycles! 128 in Beverly Massachusetts.  (Click here for directions, ride route, and schedule of events.)

Click here to hear a .30 PSA by Vinnie DiMartino speaking about the event. Mr. DiMartino is from a popular and long running bike building reality TV show and is well known in the motorcycle community.

The Massachusetts Motorcyclists Survivor’s Fund (MMSF) is an all volunteer non-profit organization. We raise money to help local families of riders killed or seriously injured in accidents and promote motorcycle safety and awareness to help reduce accidents, injuries and fatalities. (see our websites:, or or

Nelson’s Ride is an annual slow motorcycle ride in memory of Nelson Selig, Sr., who was killed in a motorcycle accident on May 2, 2000, leaving behind a wife, two children, two sisters, his mother, his step father, and many good friends.

The annual fundraiser began in August 2000, and was intended to make one of Nelson Sr.’s dreams come true: to send his children to college. That dream was accomplished, and in 2003, Nelson’s widow Felicia requested that our Team begin helping other local families of riders killed in accidents with the funds.

Nelson’s Ride is one of the Survivors Funds’ largest fund raising events.

Peter Marochello is Nelson’s Ride Parade Marshall for 2013!

08062013PeterMarachelloPeter Marochello, formerly of Stoneham and Bradford, will be the 2013 “Nelson’s Ride Parade Marshall.”

For over 15 years, Pete hosted his annual “Pete’s Pig Roast,” which raised over $125,000 for the “Make a Wish Foundation,” helping children fill some of their last wishes.  The annual pig roasts began in his Bradford back yard bringing in hundreds of area bikers then moved to the American Legion Post and Winnekenni Castle in Haverhill.  At his last Pig Roast, he was recognized by the American Motorcyclists Association and the Mayor of Haverhill for all his good works.

Pete was one of the original supporters of the Motorcyclist Survivor’s Fund, its concepts and missions of “Bikers Helping Bikers” and promoting motorcycle awareness.  He volunteered his time and talents and personality supporting Nelson’s Ride each year.

About five years ago Pete relocated to Florida to be with and care for his Mom.  Both of them are back up north for a few weeks, and we have the honor of honoring his contributions to the motorcycle community, as our “Parade Marshall” at this year’s Nelson’s Ride Sunday August 18th from Cycles! 128.

We welcome all Pete’s friends to come down to see him at the 14th annual “Nelson’s Ride” and help us ROAST PETE ! ! !

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