Category Archives: Supporters

January 2014 Turkey Shoot Champions

Congratulations to the top team at January’s Turkey Shoot at The Winner’s Circle and Air Soft Special Ops in Salisbury, MA. Jeff Martin, Nancy Brooks, Deanna and Wayne Masse. Extra special congrats to Deanna Masse, the TOP HOT SHOT for the night!    Our next MMSF “Turkey Shoot” of pool, darts, and pistols will be on Friday, February 28th, 2014.  You can find out more about the event, and buy your tickets now!


January 2014 WINNING TEAM: Jeff Martin, Nancy Brooks, Deanna and Wayne Masse


January 2014 INDIVIDUAL HOT SHOT: Deanna Masse






December 2013 Turkey Shoot Champions

Thanks to all those who braved the post Christmas lethargy to join the December 2013 MMSF “Turkey Shoot” at The Winner’s Circle and Air Soft Special Ops in Salisbury, MA last Friday night.  The night’s esteemed winners are shown below, and there are even more pictures from the evening here (courtesy of Marie Hanabusa).

Our next MMSF “Turkey Shoot” of pool, darts, and pistols will be on January 31st, 2014.  You can find out more about the event, and buy your tickets now!


Riders Helping Riders on TV and online!

Danvers Community Access Television was kind enough to invite Massachusetts Motorcyclists’ Survivors Fund Board members Paul Cote and Carol Richardson for twenty five minute interview segment called ‘Significant’ with host Charlie Vogel.

You can watch it online, watch it below, or find your local channel listings at


MMSF at Northeast Motorcycle Expo January 11th -12th

NortheastMotoExpoKevMarvLogoPlease stop by our booth on January 11th – 12th for the Northeast Motorcycle Expo in Boston.  (All the event details, directions, and show hours are here.)   When you stop by and say hello, get information about the 15th Annual Nelson’s Ride on August 17th, 2014, and buy a 2014 Survivor’s Fund Raffle Ticket for only $5, you’ll get a free ‘Check Twice‘ sticker!

Make sure to check out for upcoming show in Salem, NH in February 2014, and in Wilmington, MA in March 2014.

And…print out the coupon below and get $2 off your ticket fee for the January show in Boston!!




5th Annual “Chic’s Ride” in Charlton on Sunday 09/15

09152013ChicsRideFlyerThe Worcester County Motorcyclists’ Survivors Fund brings you the 5th Annual Chic’s Ride, in honor of Brian Ceccarini, next Sunday, September 15th.

Staging starts at 9:30am at the Quarter Keg Pub, 443 Worcester Road (Route 20) in Charlton, MA. Kickstands up at 11am. Rain or shine – Non-riders welcome. After the ride there will be a Celebration of Life Party with lunch, raffles, and entertainment provided by DJ Mouth from 1pm-5pm. Click here for all the details and directions on the Facebook event page for Chic’s Ride.

Tickets are $15, and all proceeds go to support the WCMSF.

Click here for a full page printable flyer of the days events.