TONS of thanks to all those who honored Tony “T” Fasulo at T’s Ride on Sunday, June 2nd, our sponsors, supporters, vendors, volunteers, the Hudson Elks Lodge, super-band “Stilburnin,” Hudson, Berlin, Northboro, and Shrewsbury Police. Over 1,000 pictures and several videos posted on The T’s Ride Facebook Event page. Check them out!
T’s Ride Event T-shirts are still available until sizes run out – order them here!
And here are a few messages posted from Mama T, T’s wife Jeannine, and lead Ride Captain Grizz:
Mama T: “I could never find the appropriate words to express my gratitude for all of you that made the T Ride the success it was. I have always known how special my son was, and how wonderful it is that you all were in his life. I consider you all part of my extended family. T will always be with us, watching over us until we are with him.”
Jeannine Fasulo: “Just wanted to thank the American veteran, Xtremeriders Framingham, Paul W. Cote and everyone else that helped make this ride possible. No wonder way Tony called you guys his brothas Thanks again hope you raised a lot of money.”
Grizz, Road Capt, XtremeRiders: “XtremeThanks to the Hudson Elks, Paul Cote and MMSF, the American Vets, Steel Horse Sisters, Star Riders, Scott Harris, Stil Burnin, all the police help and all the volunteers and vendors. Bikers helping Bikers !!I’m proud to be an Xtreme Rider but days like yesterday even more sooo yup !!! The season really starting now see y’all out there. Ride safe, Ride hard…..Ride Xtreme !!!!!”

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